Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Whirled 3: Andeeee strikes back

Alright, so Andeeee didn't write the Val note. The note on the board that said "I <3 Val. I hate you. -Andeeee" on Rini's wall. Not him.
I explained to him that he was in love with SRini and not RRini, who "broke up" with him. He's pissed. Now, he's going to talk to RRini about this, and see if SRini has her own account. Val is still with Josh, as far as I know.

Tara broke up with... whoever. She's now chasing Charly, who is next on her boy-list. Somehow, I ended up at the bottom of the list. Huh.

Anyhow, it's all been fine, Beaver uploaded a spanish picture book, and it's cool.
If anybody wants to join Whirled, email me and I'll send you an invitiation email. Gotta get these invitation rewards, after all.


Anonymous said...

enough with the relationship stuff from people who don't know these people. Your writing a blog not a soap opera

Extramrdo said...

Well, this INSTANTLY rules out that this is anybody I know. GRAMMAR NAZI FORBIDS YOU FROM BREATHING! HAH!
Anyhow, the soap opera is actively mocking the system, thus it stays. It stays, at least until I find something better to say.

Extramrdo said...

Have yet to find something better to say.