Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Entry 2 - Plane Shift

Notes taken from an actual conversation:
about Rini:
Her previously terminally ill, but currently well but bullied, sister was the original Rini who used to play on Rini's account earlier. She was the one who was in love with Andeee.

Rini went into her room, her board had Andeeee's name on it (like he would do it, with accent marks and stuff) and it said "I love Valie stay away from me -- Andeeee"

Andeeee and Real-Rini (RRini) were never together, it was SRini (Sister of Rini) with Andeeee.
Now RRini and Andeeee aren't friends... or never were.
Andeeee is now with Valie, who broke up with Black.
"Valie has Josh as a boyfriend."
Now, RRini wants me to tell Andeeee to forget about her, which I said I would not do.

So, basically,
Rini's sister has been the obnoxious one, and she was the one in love with Andeeee. When RRini took back the account, she didn't know Andeeee, so they "broke up."
Valie has also broken up with Blackops (they were a good couple, too) and is now with Josh. And Andeeee's also persuing Valie(?).

What a crazy world. Why did I sign up for it again? Oh yeah, Beaver.

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