Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Entry 2 - Plane Shift

Notes taken from an actual conversation:
about Rini:
Her previously terminally ill, but currently well but bullied, sister was the original Rini who used to play on Rini's account earlier. She was the one who was in love with Andeee.

Rini went into her room, her board had Andeeee's name on it (like he would do it, with accent marks and stuff) and it said "I love Valie stay away from me -- Andeeee"

Andeeee and Real-Rini (RRini) were never together, it was SRini (Sister of Rini) with Andeeee.
Now RRini and Andeeee aren't friends... or never were.
Andeeee is now with Valie, who broke up with Black.
"Valie has Josh as a boyfriend."
Now, RRini wants me to tell Andeeee to forget about her, which I said I would not do.

So, basically,
Rini's sister has been the obnoxious one, and she was the one in love with Andeeee. When RRini took back the account, she didn't know Andeeee, so they "broke up."
Valie has also broken up with Blackops (they were a good couple, too) and is now with Josh. And Andeeee's also persuing Valie(?).

What a crazy world. Why did I sign up for it again? Oh yeah, Beaver.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A new chapter

In a quest for new material, I have done what I thought I never would: I have decided to journey into the realm of the "need gf" tribe. While not a truely desperate tribe, the habitat I have chosen to enter is primarily based around this motto. Daily, hearts are broken and love notes exchanged. In a matter of minutes, a person is driven to the brink of insanity only to be saved by another push towards the edge. This is where I will live.

The main players in this game:
Tara, a female from Illinois (Rule 56 of the InterWebs: Everybody's from Illinois.)
Vorpal, the male currently chosen by Tara.
--Relationship status: At least 2 weeks, going strong.
Rini, the "queen bee" of this tribe, a self-centered bitch.
Andeeee, the one male able to tolerate her lack of control. Otherwise, he's quite a level-headed individual, perhaps the sanest of us all.
--Relationship status: Seemingly years. Not faltering.
Ric, a single male with possibilities of finding someone someday.
Beaver, a programmer whom with I collaborate frequently. Beaver one of the few in this environment who knows it is a mere game, and takes no relationships whatsoever. He is l337skilled.
Blackops, goes by many names. Generally sensible, doesn't take his relationship to the extreme or anything.
Valie, also changes name frequently. As sensible as Black, is calm, cool, considerate, and loyal.
--Relationship status: 4 months minimum, quite strong.
SexyCoolGal, an uber-desperate young girl, begging for love. She has no self control, and when she does not have a relationship she spams rooms with "WAAAAH." I attempted to calm her down once, and she took that as a "you love me" sign. After I calmly explained myself to her, she lost it. Now, she's either acting as if I love her with all of my heart, or she's pissed at me and scowling at every turn. She cannot keep a relationship for more than 30 minutes, due to her extreme views of relationships. She is a Level 10 threat.

I will attempt to keep a weekly note of occurances, perhaps as much as daily. There is alot going on, and I will attempt to record it all. Hell, I might even be involved. As this blog as my witness, If I fall under this illusion, please, any of you, please save me. Please. My life may hang in the balance.